Tuesday, June 14, 2011

\/\/h0 IS t|-|i7 Gu\|?

P30pl3 7ay I'm CR/\ZY, ju7t a litt13 t0uch3d,
I d0n't kn0w a/\/ym0r3! 
I don't f33l s/\fe anym0r3-0h, what a m377! 
I w0nd3r wh0's w/\tching m3 n0w?
I /\lways f33l lik3 s0meb0dy'7 w/\tchi/\/g me, 
And I have n0 pri\/acy?
I always f33l lik3 s0meb0dy's w/\tchi/\/g m3!
T3ll m3, is it ju7t a dr3/\m? 
I w0nd3r wh0's w/\tchi/\/g m3 n0w? 
ah ha... ha... ha.


  1. you, my friend are severely fucked in the head
    do you have medication for that yet?

    Even I am more sane.
    Please keep writing these, they entertain me.

    -The Dollmaker

  2. Heh, don't know whether to be worried, disgusted, or amused. Stalking that creepy fellow, eh? What are you up to, Prosper? What game are you trying to play at?
